It's time to download free magic game! Once upon a time there was a Wizard Land where witches, wizards, fairies and fairytale creatures dwelled. Sometimes they lived together in peace, sometimes there were local conflicts; but no conflict could be compared to the Last Battle of Wizard Land. The inhabitants of the country could exist thanks to a magic crystal flower, which had grown in an underground maze in the White Mountains and emanated astounding magic energy. But the wicked wizard decided to take all that energy and it meant the downfall of the whole country. Heaven thundered, as all wizards rushed headlong into the fight with the wicked one to protect the wonderful flower. A powerful fairy cast a fireball which killed the wicked wizard, but at the nick of time he managed to turn her into stone together with the flower… Without its magic power all Wizard Land became the realm of shadows. That was an overwhelming catastrophe for the creatures of this free downloadable game! To revive everybody one by one, the oldest wizard has to travel across the whole country and solve magical puzzles. Join the wizard and help him save the wonderful world of magic! Download free magic game!